Para iniciar a realizar la migración de tecnología de NSX-V a NSX-A se deben tener en cuenta varias cosas:
Descarga de la OVA
One of the recurring tasks that we must do as administrators of VMware TKGI systems is to verify when the SSL certificates used by TKGI will expired. We certainly don’t want to find out that a certificate has expired when our client informs us that their applications are not working!
It is advisable to do this verification at least at the beginning of the year and put reminders in our calendars to be able to rotate the SSL certificates before they expire.
Pivotal (acquired by VMware) has a good documentation on how to obtain all certificates with their expiration dates:
But we love to automate everything and avoid any human error during these types of tasks. Also not having to repeat tasks that can be instrumented and automated using different tools available.
For this we have created a script that integrates the instructions described by Pivotal but also automates them and generates a report of the certificates.
Let’s see how it works! First, let’s see the prerequisites that we must meet so that our Docker container works without problems:
1.The first thing we have to do is clone this repository:
2. We need to put the values of our BOSH server in the env.sh file (see example below)
3. Add the content of the BOSH CA Certficate to the file: root_ca_certificate
4. Inside the Dockefile file we have these two variables that can be configured to our liking:
CRITICAL_DAYS = 7 (If certificate is going to expire before this number of days and it is considered as critical)
WARNING_DAYS = 30 (If certificate is going to expire before this number of days and it is considered as a warning)
That’s it, once we have all this information and we replace it with our BOSH environment (PKS / TKGI) we can create our Docker image and run it with the following commands as an example:
docker build -t pkscerts .
docker run -it pkscerts
Let’s see it in action in https://asciinema.org/a/oMRQvb3NOyjEk4Nobrkfes3FP
I love automated tasks, and I strongly believe that companies that incorporate automated practices get more done, plain, simple, avoid human errors and misconfigured systems. I hope this post and the developed scripts here can be used in your VMware PKS and TKGI environments. It also serves as a source of inspiration to begin to automate some other tasks that are always repetitive during the TKGI administration process.
Written by Alberto Llamas
Para iniciar a realizar la migración de tecnología de NSX-V a NSX-A se deben tener en cuenta varias cosas:
Descarga de la OVA
Cuando se adquiere o implementa VMware para solución de virtualización en el centro de datos, se requiere migrar estos servicios, bien sea por homologar la infraestructura, aprovechar al máximo nuevas funcionalidad o simplemente por temas de licenciamiento.
A continuación, se detalla cómo podemos migrar exitosamente una máquina virtual que vive en una infraestructura de Citrix Xenserver a una infraestructura VMware vSphere.
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